It takes all types of personalities to make a business run smoothly.  While we’re generally drawn to work with personality types similar to our own, it’s important to include those who take a different approach.Today we look at the benefits you can get from filling your team with introverts and extroverts!


Introverts are the silent achievers of the business world. While they may seem reserved during meetings, they’re hardly daydreaming. Instead they’re quietly analysing and considering their opinions as they come to a sound conclusion all before uttering a single syllable.

Don’t be fooled by their reticence, leadership isn’t beyond them. In fact, recent studies show introverts have many positive leadership traits that employers look for in managers.

Introverts are often drawn to roles that are by nature autonomous and require little interaction with others. They prefer to get on with their work and communicate through emails or instant messages.

There are a few simple things that many experts recommend to get the most out of your most introverted employees:

1. Time You can never give an introvert too much notice. Whether it’s a team meeting or a presentation, giving them time to collect their thoughts and prepare notes, talking points or examples will help them contribute more confidently.

2. Back off Once you’re in the meeting give them time to observe and take in the opinions around them. The quieter they are the faster their thoughts are racing. They’re perfectly capable of contributing valid points but don’t demand opinions, decisions or ideas on the spot.

3. Respect Introverts are by no means slow or incompetent, so don’t underestimate their abilities. They’re not fragile, they don’t have self-esteem issues and there’s no way you can snap them out of it. Respect their way of working and listen to their concerns.

Chances are if they’ve made it to adulthood and won you over during the interview process, they’re more than capable of helping you grow your business.


On the opposite end of the spectrum sit extroverts. Traditionally thought to be natural leaders, extroverts thrive in social and networking situations. They feed off the energy in a (meeting) room and have no trouble voicing their opinions. Experts say extroverts make up an estimated 75% of the population, but I’m not so sure (see below).

But don’t automatically assume their social skills are all they have to offer. Extroverts are great at provoking discussions and getting their point across confidently.

Because they’re blessed with the gift of the gab many would automatically put extroverts in sales roles, however they’re just as likely to excel in customer support and public relations where listening is key to their role.

Just like introverts, there are expert tips for getting the best from your extroverted staff:

4. Motivation Extroverts are often the first to jump into a project and are great at drawing others in. Their energy levels are integral to the energy projected in the team. Ensure they stay motivated by challenging them and make meetings a place to generate ideas, not shoot them down.

5. Feedback Make the most of your office extroverts by giving them constructive and specific feedback. Extroverts influence the conversations around them and ensuring they’re on the right track can keep the conversation moving along smoothly. If the feedback is positive, deliver it in the company of others, as most extroverts appreciate public recognition.

6. Empower Allow your extroverts to make a difference in the projects they’re part of. Trust them to take ownership of their work and positively affect the outcomes. There’s nothing they enjoy more than having the freedom to explore their options and speaking to their colleagues as a sounding board for their ideas.



If you’re reading this and finding yourself agreeing with aspects of both working types you might just be an ambivert! Ambiverts are identified as existing in the middle-ground between extroverts and introverts. An ambivert is able to seamlessly transition between both personality types depending on the situation.

It seems far more likely that most people fall somewhere on the spectrum between introverted and extroverted depending on the situation presented to them. A person who displays introverted characteristics at work could be extroverted on the weekends when with family and friends. Ambiverts are quite malleable and can adapt to most workplace situations. Generally speaking ambiverts enjoy the pursuit of knowledge and are therefore great at immersing themselves as integral members of a team. Find what they’re great at and let them dive into the project.

Whether your business is filled with introverts, extroverts or ambiverts if you work with their strengths you’re likely to find success no matter the combination.

 Which personality type do you most closely identify with? Let us know in the comments.